Tuesday, January 20, 2009

my friends are doing big things

aj rafael with his music video
randolph permejo and olivia thai collab
lydia paek and abdc

it makes me smile that they're all making a name for themselves through their passions. it truly inspires me that things can happen for anyone with a dream. i love all you guys.

on a sidenote regarding this early morning's post:
i think i figured out why i had the urge of trying something new today, and it hit me while walking to my car from the bus stop. well, i didn't actually figure anything out, but i thought of some epiphany-provoking coincidence.

america tried something new today, as i was urged to do earlier this morning. all those pictures i posted earlier were all within the past 8 years, and maybe, just maybe, that means some sort of significance.


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