Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm sleeping again real soon

There's just something about sleeping at around 11 and waking up at 4am that gets you in the mood for blogging. Agree?

I just woke up with some sort of sense that I should go out and do something new. This is weird because this usually only happens if I feel that I'm fucking up somehow with life, but no, in this case and in this point in my life, I feel content and confident that I am keeping up with everything I should be (and usually were) worried about.

*goes out and steal one of dad's gatorades*

It's funny. This is only the second time this has happened to me lately. Last time I biked to the gym, worked out for an hour, and then watched the sunrise. I never really watched the sunrise before then; it was usually the other way around.

So much for detailed blogging. I'm going to stop here. There's been a lack on continuity on my part.

I remember when I used to be so into this shit. I remember when Franz rocked me when he lost weight.

This picture, as fucking old as it is, looks recent. Sophomore year.

Simpler times

old franz old me steeze

old in general

FUCKING 170. Summer before freshman year. RUFIO/spillcanvas show show

circa 2004-05. Wings Of Sorrow. This was before Maymeetsjune or Reminisce the Fucking Dream

chain reaction 2005. no one ever really threw down as hard as we did. ever.

i used to throw silly birthday parties.


this was a random throwback that i didn't expect to do. it made me realize that people that just met me since the beginning of college don't know shit about me other than what they have witnessed growing up with me this past year and what i allow them to know about me. and this is the same with my knowledge of people i've just met since the beginning of college as well.

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