Saturday, March 21, 2009

I've always said...

don't fuck with musicians when it comes to normal people things. i'm emphasizing on friendships and relationships. the only thing they know is how to fuck you up in the long run, and how, if they're a song writer, they would know exactly what to say to break you.

however, when it comes to musicians giving other musicians advice, they are straight forward, candid, and, most importantly of all, helpful.

here's me being a bitch, and a fellow musician helping a n*gga out.

me: i am quitting (music) soon anyway. so i'm trying to book all the shows i can before the summer ends:
jenn paglinawan: quittting!!!
omg you cant quit on music!
me: well not quitting music. just being one of those myspace personalities people only know through...well..myspace?
jenn paglinawan: well. at least you're getting your priorities straight.
me: yeah. i got nursing, and there's other factors involved.
jenn paglinawan: elaborate..?
me: ts not like i really want to explode and get all aj rafael status.
its just when people listen to people our age's music. and those people become sorta "known." these people place you as role models in their lives. YOU are their "inspiration." and i can't live with that. i'm not a perfect person, ya know? hahahah. i barely met you, and i'm venting ...buuuut w/e. thuglife :]
jenn paglinawan: but still people understand mistakes..
no matter what your out there already..
and you dont know it but your inspiring so many ppl out there.
so dont call it quits!
me: gahhh you make perfect sense. i'll take it into consideration.
jen paglinawan: cool beans

lol @ cool beans
but damnit. i got this far, i guess i'll keep continuing this shit. this girl knows whats up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jeeeez already becoming buddy budddy damn haha